Our services are vast and include a large array of geophysical, environmental, and geological consulting skills.  Feel free to write, or call 209-400-5729 if you would like to set up a meeting to see how we could help you and your team.

Geologic Hazard Investigations - Our Certified Engineering Geologist can help to assess for schools, hospitals, and government sector buildings under review criteria as set forth in Note 48 of the California Geological Survey.  If your project is to be run through DSA we can help.  

Fault Hazard Investigations - Our team members have performed many large scale fault investigations under the Alquist-Priolo Act requirements for assessing specific projects within fault hazard zones.  Our professionals have worked all over the state on projects that range from small public facility improvements, to 450 million dollar wind farms.  There is no better team than Petralogix for this type of work.

Landslide Assessment - We have a staff that has spent much of their career development on assessing and repairing landslides.  We have worked on landslide projects which encompass as much as 40 acres in area. 

Mineral Resource Assessment - We can characterize almost any site.  Due to our expertise in both geology and geophysics, we are the best for your project.  Our additional multi-variant geo-statistical review allows our firm to provide better assessments.  We can help to paint the most "realistic" subsurface picture.

Water Supply and Water Well Assessments - In this day and age, groundwater is the most important asset that we have.  The proper use, well thought out effects of it's over-pumping, and the proper establishment of its recharge is a main focus of Petralogix and our partnering geophysical companies.  We plan to establish a new age of water supply assessment, using time tested technologies in new ways.  Please contact use to discuss this in more detail. 

Waste Water Design - Quality septic and waste-water design are an important part of keeping our ground and surface water resources safe and clean.  We are experts in on-site waste water designs, and can provide these services for many areas within California.  

Groundwater Degradation Analysis - If your processes impact water, we can help to determine the impact and provide solutions which are cost effective.  Please contact us if you are under a board order to cease and desist, or need help deciding how to move forward.